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Dana Haugh's blog

New Student Checklist

August 19, 2024 - 3:08pm by Dana Haugh

Welcome new (and returning) students! To help you get the most out of your educational experience, we compiled a list of action items to get you ready for the semester and your time at Yale: Set up two-factor authentication on your phone for Yale VPN access Set up YaleLinks in Google Scholar Set up YaleLinks in PubMed​ Choose a citation manager Propose a meeting with your personal librarian Browse bioinformatics and research data support pages Subscribe to the monthly Cushing/Whitney Medical Library's Upcoming Workshops email (and sign up for a training!) Add money to your Yale Printing and Publishing Services PaperCut account to print on campus Bookmark our list of Board Prep & eTextbooks Explore the library and reserve a study room Find a curated resource guide for your program or department If you have any questions, please do not hesistate to reach out to your personal librarian or via our general email: AskYaleMedicalLibrary@yale.edu

Build Your Skillset With an Email Course

June 5, 2024 - 11:06am by Dana Haugh

Looking to build your skillset but don't have time to sit through a live training? Try an email course! These asynchronous learning opportunities are adapted from some of our popular live courses and restructured to deliver bite-sized information straight to your inbox. Sign up below through Yale's subscription portal. How to Write a Research Data Management Plan In this six-part email course, you will explore the main components of a data management plan. By the end, and through a series of three action items, you'll complete a draft data management plan, ready to submit to a funder or to put into use within your research team. How to Create an Academic Poster In this five-part email course, you will explore the main components of creating an academic poster, from proposal to printing. Each email will contain prompts, tips, and resources to help guide you along the poster assembly process.

Stata MP Now Available

January 16, 2024 - 1:20pm by Dana Haugh

Stata MP is now available for all faculty, staff, and students. Stata is a statistical software package that is widely used across many disciplines for data analysis. To download Stata MP, sign in to the Yale Software Library and select Yale Licensed Software from the top navigation. Next, choose StataCorp. Anyone currently using the SE or BE edition of Stata can upgrade to MP. The campus-wide license also includes other editions, such as SE or BE, but MP is the fastest and can analyze much larger datasets.   Upcoming Stata workshops: First Steps with Stata - January 26, 1:30-3:30 pm Second Steps with Stata – February 2, 1:30 – 3:30 pm For any questions, please direct them to dissc@yale.edu.    

Upcoming Space Enhancements in the Morse and Historical Library Reading Rooms

June 6, 2023 - 1:50pm by Dana Haugh

Starting June 26th, the Morse and Historical Library Reading Rooms will undergo a series of small renovations. Enhancements in the Historical Library Reading Room will include new area rugs to help with sound attenuation, new tables with surface-accessible power, and improved and more efficient lighting. Updates in the Morse Reading Room will include refinished tables with new lighting and surface-mounted power outlets, new carpet, improved lighting throughout the space, and repair of windowsills and storm windows.  Work is expected to be completed in August. During this time, visitors will not have access to the Morse and Historical Reading Rooms. Those seeking quiet study areas are encouraged to use SHM L 115 on the main level and study spaces, privacy booths, and meeting rooms on the E and G levels.

APC Discount - Cold Spring Harbor Press

May 12, 2023 - 9:34am by Dana Haugh

Yale Library has finalized the APC (article processing charge) discount agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. This agreement reduces APC charges from $3,700 to $2,000 per article in the following CSH journals: Genes & Development, Genome Research, RNA, and Learning & Memory. APCs are reduced from $2,250 to $1,215 in Molecular Case Studies. The standard article processing charge, applied to all articles to offset publishing costs, will be waived for open access articles. As a reminder, Yale Library provides support for authors publishing in open access journals through APC waivers and discounts. Visit Open Access Publishing Support for more information. Current APC waivers: Association for Computing Machinery Cambridge University Press Journals Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP) Journal of Agriculture Food Systems, and Community Development Microbiology Society PLOS Portland Press Current APC discounts: BioMed Central Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press MDPI PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) Science Advances from the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) Springer Open  

New Location for Privacy Booths

April 24, 2023 - 10:35am by Dana Haugh

Looking for a private place to study or take a phone call? The Medical Library recently acquired two more Zenbooths! All three booths are now located on the E-Level in the study space near the Technology Support Service Center (see map). These free-standing modular privacy booths offer a soundproof space for visitors to take phone calls, have meetings, or focus on tasks in complete silence. The booths are equipped with an adjustable desk, power outlets, and dimmable lights. Additionally, a high-powered fan cycles fresh air into the booth every minute.   

Valentine's Day Cards from the Medical Library

February 14, 2023 - 4:22pm by Dana Haugh

Valentine's Day is a great time to show your appreciation for someone special. And nothing says "I appreciate you" more than a delightfully corny, medically themed Valentine's Day card, created by Access Services Librarian Megan Nance. Stop by the Medical Library to fill one (or many!) out, or download the files below to send a pun-filled message!        

Full Access to JoVE Journal

February 9, 2023 - 1:28pm by Dana Haugh

After years of requests for video content, the Medical and Marx libraries have extended access to JoVE, the peer-reviewed scientific video journal formerly known as the Journal of Visualized Experiments. Yale now has access to the full JoVE Journal, including all specialties.  “Yale faculty have contributed to many JoVE clinical skills videos and as such we trust that the content aligns with our teaching. We use the JoVE videos to support our physical examination curriculum and are glad to have expanded access through the library.” - Joseph Donroe, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine In addition, we have a trial subscription for a year to JoVE’s educational videos, which include many clinical skills and physical examination videos. Many Yale authors are publishing in JoVE and some of the clinical skills videos were produced by Yale faculty. Quick facts about JoVE: Contains over 16,000 videos across a variety of disciplines and medical specialties including biology, genetics, and neuroscience Customized video playlists in JoVE can directly map to course syllabi or training programs  

Heidi, the (Anatomy) Lab-rador Retriever, Boosts Wellness at Yale School of Medicine

January 11, 2023 - 10:58am by Dana Haugh

Written by Abigail Roth  Originally posted on the Yale School of Medicine website Heidi, the Yale Police Department’s (YPD) yellow Labrador Retriever service dog and community engagement ambassador, was a frequent—much appreciated—visitor to the Yale School of Medicine (YSM) campus during the fall semester, especially outside the anatomy lab. Heidi greeted first-year medical students, and many stopped to play with her. Providing comfort after anatomy lab Sundari Birdsall, MSW, MPH, RYT500, wellness counselor from the medical school's Student Mental Health & Wellness (SMH&W) Program, came up with the idea for Heidi’s post-anatomy visits. Birdsall then reached out to YPD Officer Rich Simons, Heidi’s “partner,” to coordinate. In explaining the thinking behind her idea, Birdsall says she thought “students could benefit from touching something warm and alive after being in the anatomy lab.” Additionally, she and Lisa Ho, LCSW, YSM’s student mental health & wellness program manager, often brainstorm about “creative ways to support students who wouldn't necessarily seek out therapy or wellness sessions.” Yale School of Medicine and Yale Mental Health and Counseling (MHC) launched the SMH&W Program in October 2021, to provide YSM students more immediate access to mental health counseling. The program provides access to one-on-one counseling, group counseling, and student wellness activities. In addition to Birdsall and Ho, a third member, Kathlene Tracy, PhD, has joined the team and will be available to meet students starting this month. Heidi’s post-anatomy visits, Birdsall says, have been effective. As students are petting Heidi, always with hands washed before leaving anatomy, many make informal, reflective comments about their anatomy lab experience, often related to the five senses. For example, they might mention the contrast of Heidi’s warm body to the cold bodies in the anatomy lab, or Heidi’s sense of smell picking up the lingering scents from the lab. Many students simply express relief to see and get to play with Heidi after what can be an emotional experience, with statements such as, “You knew I needed this today." Additionally, the engagement has led several students to pull Birdsall aside and informally debrief, or ask questions about their lab experience. Because Heidi's visits have been effective, Birdsall plans to expand the initiative in the spring to include anatomy lab visits for both medical students and Physician Associate Program students. Helping to promote wellness services Another outreach strategy Birdsall has initiated, in collaboration with Simons and Melanie Norton, MLIS, head of access and delivery services in the Cushing Whitney Medical Library (CWML), relates to the library. Birdsall explains she had been spending lunchtime on Fridays in the library, since the start of the academic year, to promote the SMH&W Program’s services. “Our wellness programming is robust and open to student interests and ideas,” Birdsall says, adding that frequently changing wellness events are posted on a calendar. To make sure students are of aware of these opportunities, “I'd sit for an hour by the circulation desk or outside the library at the time students were leaving class, offering hot cups of tea and info on our program.” Norton told Birdsall that pre-COVID, the library had had its own therapy dog that students loved, and suggested Birdsall might want to bring a similar dog to the library. Thinking it was a terrific idea, Birdsall reached out to Simons to arrange regular Friday visits. Birdsall appreciates the time Simons and Heidi devote to YSM. “Despite Heidi’s busy calendar, Rich has done a wonderful job of prioritizing the medical school,” she says. Birdsall explains that she books Heidi a month in advance using the LiveSafe app, “and we have been flexible about cancellations during times when Heidi has been needed somewhere else on short notice.” Simons, who refers to Heidi as his “wonderful best friend,” explains that “Heidi’s mission is to make friends and place smiles on everyone’s faces.” Birdsall also expresses gratitude for Norton’s support of the CWML outreach initiative—which includes bringing in candy for students and even giving up her chair and desk for Birdsall. Norton says that the CWML staff enjoy having Birdsall, Simons, and Heidi visit weekly, adding, “There is nothing like the unconditional love of a dog.” Reflecting on Heidi, Birdsall shares, “I've felt Heidi's empathic compassion first-hand.” Simons once gave the command, "Heidi, tell me a story," and, Birdsall explains, Heidi “lay down right on my lap and held still while looking up at me. As I petted her in this position, I started to tear up, seemingly out of the blue! Her caring touch was powerful."

A Busy Summer at the Medical Library

August 5, 2022 - 10:11am by Dana Haugh

Medical librarians have been extremely busy this summer orienting and educating new fellows, residents, and faculty members across the medical campus and Yale New Haven Hospital. These sessions give new and seasoned users the opportunity to meet their dedicated library liaison and receive a primer on the medical library’s numerous resources and services. Perhaps most importantly, these sessions establish medical librarians as partners in research, clinical, and educational endeavors, and help cultivate relationships that will last throughout each user’s Yale career. In June, first-year Surgery residents journeyed to the Medical Library’s large classroom to meet with Alexandria Brackett, Clinical Research & Education Librarian, and Melissa Grafe, Head of the Medical Historical Library, and learn about contemporary and historical library resources. Alexandria highlighted a variety of tools to help them in their practice and emphasized her role as liaison librarian in supporting their success. Melissa showcased many of the Medical Historical Library’s collections and shared tips and tricks for searching the archives. Over on Yale’s West Campus, Janene Batten, Research & Education Librarian for Nursing, met with new Yale School of Nursing (YSN) faculty members to suggest services and library resources that align with their curriculum. Embedded across all levels in the YSN curriculum, Janene regularly educates faculty and students about using evidenced-based resources like Scopus and PubMed, and point-of-care tools like ClinicalKey for Nursing, which are essential to the nursing profession. Back on Cedar Street, Melissa Funaro, Clinical Research & Education Librarian, visited the Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Child Study Center departments to familiarize fellows and residents with the myriad of services and resources the Medical Library provides. Melissa connected each department with their curated research guide and highlighted services such as literature searching, data management planning, and scholarly publishing to ensure new users were aware the many ways the Medical Library can assist in research and clinical practice. Kate Nyhan, Research & Education Librarian for Public Health, held an orientation session at the Medical Library for Yale’s Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS) on evidence synthesis methods, maximizing research impact, complying with funder public access policies, and choosing the right journals to disseminate their work. She also taught in the Summer Program in Environmental Health Sciences, which introduces rising college sophomores and juniors to environmental health and toxicology. Kayla Del Biondo, Simbonis Librarian for Public Health, and Kate also presented virtually and in-person to incoming Executive MPH students, Advanced Practice (AP) MPH students, new MPH, PhD, and MS students. Their sessions covered everything from health science databases to library spaces to historical materials. Kaitlin Throgmorton, Data Librarian for the Health Sciences, and Dana Haugh, Web Services Librarian, held virtual training sessions for Yale School of Public Health summer internship participants. Dana provided tips and tricks for creating effective PowerPoint presentations and Kaitlin gave an overview of best practices for incorporating data visualizations into their presentations. Additionally, Kaitlin taught an introduction to research data management seminar to the Yale Interdisciplinary Prostate Program (YIPP) and the OB/GYN residency orientation. Courtney Brombosz, Research & Education Librarian, headed to the Cohen Auditorium to give a library orientation for incoming medical students who choose to do research before they start medical school through the START@Yale program. Courtney introduced them to some of the key databases for conducting research and shared ways the Medical Library can help them throughout their career at Yale. Alyssa Grimshaw, Clinical Research & Education Librarian headed upstairs to the Beaumont Room to give a Grand Rounds presentation to the Urology Department titled “Connecting to Library Resources and Services.” The presentation covered library resources and services available to the clinical and academic Yale affiliates. Attendees also learned useful tips for searching medical databases, why citation management software is helpful in organizing and preparing their research, and how to take ownership of their author profiles after publishing. In the Medical Library's instruction classroom, Caitlin Meyer, Research & Education Librarian, taught multiple sessions for Physician Associate students to help with their thesis projects. The workshops helped students transform nascent thesis topics into focused research questions as well as develop search strategies for multiple literature databases. Sofia Fertuzinhos and Rolando Garcia-Milian, of the Medical Library’s Bioinformatics Support Hub, organized a hybrid teaching series entitled “Intro to Transcriptomics: from counts to functional analysis.” This series of seven workshops is designed for researchers interested in learning the basic steps for re-analysis of publicly available bulk-RNAseq data. It covers basic genomic data annotation concepts, databases where to find datasets for re-analysis, how to perform differential gene analysis, add gene annotations and perform gene pathway analysis, as well as tools to visualize the results. Additionally, Rolando and Sofia gave several orientation classes to new medical students and BBS graduate students. Terry Dagradi, Cushing Center Coordinator, gave dozens of tours of the Medical Library and the Cushing Center to groups of middle and high school students in programs around New Haven and Yale. Students enrolled in programs such as the Ulysses S. Grant Foundation, EduExplora, Horizons at Foote, Yale Pathways to Science excitedly followed Terry through the library while learning about Harvey Cushing, Phineas Gage, and saw real human brains for the first time. Finally, a cohort of medical librarians recently welcomed this year's incoming class of medical students to Yale and the Medical Library. Led by Courtney Brombosz, the group comprised Megan Nance (Access Services Librarian), Caitlin Meyer, Melissa Grafe, Zsuzsa Nemeth (Head of Clinical Research and Education), Sofia Fertuzinhos, and Lei Wang (Head of Technology and Innovation). Each librarian provided a brief overview of services and tools available to the incoming students and reiterated the Medical Library's commitment to supporting them throughout their educational journey.
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