Databases & Tools
Educational Resources
- AccessAPN
- ClinicalKey
- eJournals & eBooks (look for textbooks and journals here)
- Quicksearch (library catalog)
Exam Prep
Point-of-Care Clinical Resources
Evidence-Based Practice
Physical Examination & Clinical Skills
Tutorials & Guides
Reading for Change @ YSN
Calling In: How To Start Making Change With Those You'd Rather Cancel (eBook) By Loretta Ross
- Print copy available in YSN Learning Commons
- Find it at your local library
Other eBooks by Loretta Ross available:
Contact Your Nursing Librarian
Alexandria is the Research and Education Librarian for Nursing. She has an office at YSN (Room 21032, 400 West Campus Drive) and at the Medical Library (333 Cedar St).
She can help with information questions, training needs, and research assistance.
Places to Study
The Commons in YSN is available 24/7. You will need your ID to access the space after 6pm and before 7am Monday-Friday, and on weekends.
The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library is also available to you as well as many other places across Yale campus to study.