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Access to Medical Library Resources from Clinical Locations

Yale New Haven Hospital

If you are physically at the Yale New Haven Hospital, York St. or St. Raphael campuses, you can access the library’s collections through any networked computer. This also includes locations such as Long Wharf, Shoreline and many YNHH satellite locations.

Offsite Access

Yale New Haven Hospital employees (York St and St Raphael's campuses only) can access online library resources remotely via EZproxy using their YNHH Epic credentials.  If you have Yale University credentials through an appointment at the School of Medicine, you can also authenticate using your University credentials or using the Yale VPN service.

Offsite Clinical Locations

  • West Haven VA Hospital
    Full access to Yale resources is available from three Yale School of Medicine Library Research Workstations located in the VA Medical Library (2nd floor of Building One). A Yale NetID is required to logon to the computers. Yale University affiliates can also use EZproxy to access library resources.
  • Bridgeport & Greenwich Hospitals
    Yale clinical faculty should use EZproxy to access library resources. They can also go through their Hospital Information Services to request that their computer be configured for the Yale VPN.
  • Connecticut Mental Health Center
    Yale clinical faculty should use EZproxy to access library resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Below are answers to frequently asked questions on how to use the library’s collection of journals, databases, e-books, and other clinical resources. 

How do I get access to library collections?

If you are physically at the Yale New Haven Hospital, York St. or St. Raphael campuses, you can access the library’s collections through any networked computer.

If you are not at YNHH, you will need to authenticate with your Yale or YNHH credentials via EZproxy.  If you have Yale University credentials through an appointment at the Yale School of Medicine, you can also use the Yale VPN

Can I get access to resources in Epic?

Certain point-of-care resources are available to all clinicians within the Yale New Haven Health System through Epic.  This includes UpToDate, DynaMed Plus, AccessMedicine, ClinicalKey, and Micromedex.  When accessing Epic through the Citrix software you will see a globe icon on the toolbar, select the dropdown menu next to this. 

Epic menu

Hover over the “Library Services” tab to see the list of available resources.

<img alt="library services on epic" data-cke-saved-src="https://library.medicine.yale.edu/sites/default/files/image001.png" src="https://library.medicine.yale.edu/sites/default/files/image001.png" width:308px;"="">
Can I access library resources on my phone?

Yes, many resources are optimized for mobile access and some publishers offer an app.  The library maintains a page of mobile apps to streamline collections access. 

Can I request new resources?

Yes, please submit requests on this form. The library is working to support new collection requests where budget and electronic availability allow. 

Where can I find more information?

Contact your departmental liaison or the Clinical Librarian Team at Clinical.librarian@yale.edu