You may already know that the library often teaches workshops on EndNote and PubMed, but there is a lot more going on in our teaching spaces these days. This post will highlight five new events you’ll see popping up on the calendar more frequently. Head to the calendar to sign up!
Introduction to R with Swirl with Sawyer Newman
Learn about installing R, RStudio, and practice R using the R library Swirl! This hands-on workshop is for those who have no experience in R. After a brief introduction and demonstration in R, participants will work on self-guided exercises using the Swirl package.
Research Data Management for the Health Sciences with Sawyer Newman
Does your research involve data? This workshop will overview research data and the management of research data while providing examples of strategies you can take to make your data easier to navigate, understand and more secure.
Introduction to Cytoscape for the analysis, visualization, and integration of data with Rolando Garcia-Milian
Cytoscape is an open source platform for analysis and visualization of networked data, molecular interaction networks, and biological pathways. It also allows integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other types of data. The workshop covers getting started in Cytoscape, creating and merging networks, visualization, installing add-on applications and more.
Mobile App Mondays with Alyssa Grimshaw
Mobile App Mondays are drop-in times to learn about the library’s extensive collection of free mobile applications, troubleshoot problems, and see a demonstration of the weekly featured application.
Walk-in Wednesdays with Caitlin Meyer (mornings) and Alyssa Grimshaw (evenings)
Walk-in Wednesdays are your opportunity to drop by with questions about databases, citation management, searching the literature, or whatever else is on your mind.
Have an idea for a new class? Email Caitlin Meyer.