Love Data Week will be February 14-18, 2022. This event marks the importance of data in our lives, science, medicine, and countless other areas.
This year’s theme — “data is for everyone” — reminds us both that data should be accessible and equitable. Everyone should be able to feel confident in accessing and using data, and everyone should see parts of themselves, and their communities, in the data we collect, analyze, and share.
In the spirit of the idea that “data is for everyone” during Love Data Week, we’ll be offering data workshops for users at all levels, and we hope you’ll learn something new whether you’ve just started working with data, or you’ve been doing so for a while.
Join Yale’s Cushing/Whitney Medical Library in observing Love Data Week with the following events:
Where in the World is the Data You Need? How to Find and Reuse Data — Learn how to find, evaluate, and use data, especially publicly available data, in this session on Tuesday, February 15. You’re encouraged to BYOD (bring your own dataset) for an exploratory class where we’ll look for and discover data in the wild!
Excel for Research Data Management — This session will cover tips and tricks for managing data in Excel, from text and data manipulation, to filters, functions, and formulas, and more. Join the Marx and Cushing/Whitney data librarians for this session on Friday, February 18.
Data Librarian Office Hours — Starting Monday, February 14, the data librarian for the health sciences will be hosting office hours every other Monday afternoon. The first session during Love Data Week will focus on ‘adopting a dataset,’ but all topics are welcome.
Managing Your Research with Electronic Notebooks: How to Use LabArchives — Get a jump start on Love Data Week with this session the week prior on managing data and research in electronic notebooks, happening on February 10th.
Want more Love Data Week fun? Check out ICPSR's Adopt a Dataset initiative! (ICSPR, a data repository, is the international host for Love Data Week.) This is a great opportunity to explore and interact with a public dataset, and learn more about it.
Plus, explore more Love Data Week sessions across the Yale University Library and at the National Library of Medicine. (And, here on campus, if you're into big data, don't miss Yale Center for Research Computing's Python for Big Data Analysis class on Friday, February 18.)
We look forward to seeing you for Love Data Week, and beyond!