Home About the Library Staff Kaitlin Throgmorton, MLIS

Kaitlin Throgmorton, MLIS

photo of kaitlin throgmorton
Kaitlin Throgmorton, MLIS
Data Librarian for the Health Sciences
SHM L E09, Sterling Hall of Medicine

Kaitlin provides data support services to researchers, clinicians, faculty, staff, and students across Yale’s medical campus. This includes consultation, collaboration, and instruction on research data management; guidance on data policy creation and implementation; and, data retrieval, processing, and analysis. She regularly teaches courses on topics such as data management, data sharing, using Python to work with data, and more.

To date, Kaitlin's research primarily revolves around the question: how can open data help us answer important questions, and what infrastructure do we need for more people to use it to do so? Her early research quantified the role of libraries as intermediaries in the movement towards more open data. Emerging research interests explore open data at the intersection of health and climate, using open healthcare data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), along with other open data, to study nursing home emergency preparedness for environmental disaster events. Her most recent commentary article examines the role of data librarians in co-authoring research.

She received her Master’s in Library and Information Science (MLIS) from University of Washington and BA in English and Spanish from Covenant College.

See CV on her website, or view her NCBI Biosketch.